Requests from the CWC Prayer Center

Monday, September 7, 2009

Requests and Updates

Good Evening;

We have a request and update:

  • Hello Everyone,
    I just got a call from one of local radio stations asking for an interview tomorrow morning, Tuesday, September 8th, 9:15 a.m.   I will be interviewed about the National Bible Bee contest coming up on Saturday, but then they have also asked me to give my testimony concerning God's faithfulness during these days after losing Tim.  What an honor to get to share!  However, I will need lots of prayer covering for I'm already crying thinking about doing it.  I want to glorify the Lord and to direct people to Him and His faithfulness.
    This is a country music station, but the owner and manager is a Christian who loves to encourage people towards the Lord.  I am thankful for this opportunity.
    I cherish prayers for tomorrow morning.  I have found the station online and you, should you choose, may be able to listen live to the interview.  It is at:
    I'll try to give you a report afterwards.  I'll be in town all day tomorrow planning for the bee.
    Tina (Buschman)
  • Update on Kreg Kelly—is squeezing parents hands when they ask him questions, does not have a collapsed lung as previously thought, no fluid on any organs—Praise the Lord—doctors are reducing some meds to do testing tomorrow.  Thank you Lord!  Keep praying for recovery.
  • Please pray for Tara, 42, who suffered a heart attack and is in Oklahoma City hospital in ICU.


Thank you for being a prayer warrior!

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