Requests from the CWC Prayer Center

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Good Morning:

We have this urgent request:

  • Please pray for Betty Dunaway, Sherry Bullard’s aunt, who had a stroke.  She is being taking to surgery to relieve brain swelling. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Good Afternoon:

We have this request:

  • Please pray for Sherry Bullard’s aunt.  She was life flighted yesterday and it has been determined that she had a stroke.  The next few hours are critical.

Monday, January 27, 2014


Good Afternoon:

We have these requests:

  • Please pray for Abdon Ponce and Ricky Alvarez.
  • Please pray for Sherry Bullard’s aunt who has an unspoken request.
  • Please pray for comfort for the family of Dean Moore.  Angie Aylor Moore is his wife.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Good Afternoon:

We have this request:

  • Please pray for Pastor Mike Waterbury.  He will be having his heart procedure on Monday January 27 at 7:00 a.m. at the Heart Hospital in Austin.  Please pray that the doctors will be able to do all three procedures on Monday and that Pastor will be fully healed. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Good Afternoon:

We have these requests:

  • Please pray for Jack Caddel, Doug Caddel’s father, who has multiple health needs.
  • Please pray for Bill Thomas who is in critical condition with multiple health needs.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Good Afternoon:

We have these requests:

  • Please pray for Karen Hall who has a severe sinus infection.  Please pray for her recovery.
  • Please pray for Patrick Cockrell.



Friday, January 17, 2014


Good Afternoon:

We have these requests:

  • Please pray for my sister Chris Perrett her husband Jim was killed in a vehicle accident yesterday afternoon. Thanks Peggy Alvarez.
  • Please pray for Rachel Slater, missionary in Israel, who fell and broke her hip.  Pray for her recovery.



Thursday, January 16, 2014


Good Afternoon:

We have the following requests/updates/praise:

  • Please pray for Ruston Newman, 2 year old son of Miranda Newman, who was airlifted to Dallas with breathing complications.  He has pneumonia and had stopped breathing.
  • PRAISE!!! Richard Henderson’s heart surgery was a success and he is doing well.  Please continue to pray for his recovery and for his family.  They thank everyone for their prayers and praise God for the successful surgery.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Good Afternoon:

We have these requests:

  • Please pray for a successful hip replacement surgery that I will be having soon. Thank you. Judi Haller
  • Please pray for our city workers who are repairing our water lines.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Good Afternoon:

We have this prayer request/update:

Just wanted to give you an update on what I learned while at work this weekend. She had a VERY long surgery on Friday (around 8 hours) and she didn't start waking up until sometime Saturday, she was opening her eyes but not moving or talking, on Saturday evening, she was going to have an MRI repeated. On Sunday, we learned that they got her up and she did ok, but she is still not eating or drinking, and she told our informant that the MRI was bad. I am hoping to have more information for you regarding little Ariday by this evening. I can also tell you that there has been around $2700 raised for the mom, at this time, to help cover expenses and bills while she is unable to work. Praise God! Please continue to pray for progress and healing of this young life and that the money continues to come in to cover the expenses this young mom is accruing.


Thursday, January 9, 2014


Good Afternoon:

We have this request:

  • Jennifer Stadleman asked us to pray for this: I was just wondering if you could please pass the word. I am an RN at the hospital in Liberal and one of our fellow nurses (just graduated RN school less then a year ago) has a 4 year old daughter who was just diagnosed with brain cancer. They shipped her to Denver yesterday and she was going to have an MRI and possibly surgery this evening. She is going to have to undergo chemo and radiation and only has a 35-40 percent chance to live. The nurse has only been at the hospital a short time so she has not built up enough EIB to cover all the costs of bills and living expenses for the time she will have to be off. So if you could please pray for this young momma and her 4 year old daughter it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much.....
  • Please pray for Richard Henderson who will be having aortic valve replacement on January 16, in Little Rock.

Monday, January 6, 2014


Good Evening:

We have this request:

  • Please pray for comfort for Tyler Mallory and his sister Brittany at the passing of their father.  Tyler is Joe Bridger’s brother in-law.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Good Afternoon:

We have received these requests:

  • Dear friends in Christ. I have been ministering as an evangelist here in Finland. I have suffered from an irritating and tickling cough about 2 months. Could you pray a health for my respiratory organs and lungs so that they will be healed in Jesus name. In addition I have suffered from a sharp pain in my right elbow. With love and blessings in Christ Ariel Manninen
  • Dear friends. Could you pray a healing for my wife Ester so that the Lord removes an excruciating painful growth called an endometriosis she has suffered from in her ovaries and womb for 2 years. Because of this terrible pain my wife asked a gynecologist to order her to an operation. She said it would be too big and highly dangerous operation to remove her ovaries and womb by a surgeon because she has a type 1 diabetes. Because of a weak blood circulation of the diabetes wounds of an operation don´t easily be cured. Ester has during the time been a believer several times experienced a supernatural healing from incurable diseases. She suffers also from serious and tickling rashes everywhere in her body. In addition could you pray a health for her kidneys and liver so that they would be healthy and would function properly. With love and blessings in Christ Ariel Manninen