Requests from the CWC Prayer Center

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Good Afternoon:

We have received these requests:

  • Dear friends in Christ. I have been ministering as an evangelist here in Finland. I have suffered from an irritating and tickling cough about 2 months. Could you pray a health for my respiratory organs and lungs so that they will be healed in Jesus name. In addition I have suffered from a sharp pain in my right elbow. With love and blessings in Christ Ariel Manninen
  • Dear friends. Could you pray a healing for my wife Ester so that the Lord removes an excruciating painful growth called an endometriosis she has suffered from in her ovaries and womb for 2 years. Because of this terrible pain my wife asked a gynecologist to order her to an operation. She said it would be too big and highly dangerous operation to remove her ovaries and womb by a surgeon because she has a type 1 diabetes. Because of a weak blood circulation of the diabetes wounds of an operation don´t easily be cured. Ester has during the time been a believer several times experienced a supernatural healing from incurable diseases. She suffers also from serious and tickling rashes everywhere in her body. In addition could you pray a health for her kidneys and liver so that they would be healthy and would function properly. With love and blessings in Christ Ariel Manninen