Requests from the CWC Prayer Center

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Good Afternoon:

We have some requests/updates:

  • Update on my mother in-law.....Sidney and I went down Sunday to take the prayer quilt to her. She loved it and made us put it on her even though she wasn't cold. She was upbeat and shared with us a recount of the special times she's had with the Lord at night when she's alone. She said that she is at complete peace knowing that God is with her and in control. We learned this morning that she was rushed to the ER a few hours ago because of a blood clot. Please be pray for the clot to be dissolved and for the right meds to control her pain. Since moving her to the facility where she will have radiation treatments, she's been in a lot of pain. We will be with her today and I will update later. Angela Manross
  • Good morning CWC! We are going to be posting some updates from Pastor Mike to help keep you informed about what is going on as he is awaiting heart surgery. We ask that you continue to keep him in your prayers on a daily basis. Our God is a healing God, and we should be expecting no less than a complete healing...

    Here is an update from Pastor Mike:
    I know that many people are wondering how I’m doing, so I thought I’d try posting today. I am not a Facebooker, so my friend, Jason Vanosdol, is helping me.

    ... I have been back to the office for a full day of work today (Tuesday). I am feeling much better since I was released from the hospital on Sunday morning. Since my blood thinner medication caused me to lose blood internally, the doctors want to do some tests to determine where and why that happened. So I am scheduled to go to Amarillo next Tuesday for an endoscopy and a colonoscopy. Hopefully they will be able to tell us more after that.

    My heart surgery has tentatively been set for April 24 at the Cleveland Clinic. That is good news.

    I still need to pace myself a bit, but I am thankful for the strength that I have.

    In the mean time, I’m really grateful for all your thoughts and prayers. REMEMBER GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!

    Love to All!


But let all take refuge in you rejoice;

let them ever sing for joy,

and spread your protection over them,

that those who love your name may exult in you.

For you bless the righteous, O Lord;

you cover him with favor as with a shield. Psalm 5:11-12