Requests from the CWC Prayer Center

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Good Evening:

The following are needs for prayer:

  • Please continue to pray for Wes Anderson.  He is in very critical condition.  Pray for Cindy, Aspen and David, and Abby and Jack, and the rest of their family.  Pray also for his doctors and caregivers.
  • Jesse asks prayer for Junior who started therapy for his new prosthesis.
  • Camp Good News is this coming week, July 19-23rd.  Here are some prayer requests sent in by Tina Buschman:
    1.  Please pray for my daughter Anita and granddaughter Hallie (age 2 3/4)  to be well.  Hallie has had upper respiratory infection this week, having difficulty in breathing.  This is the sickest we've ever seen her so it is hard on Anita right now.  Anita is extra tired and so is not feeling well, besides being 8 1/2 months pregnant.  It is hard for me to have full excitement for camp and also know I'll be away from being a help to Anita during this time knowing she is stressed and Hallie is sick.  [Anita is scheduled for a c-section on July 28th.  However, if the baby should come early, I do have things organized that I can leave camp to assist Caleb and Anita and help with Hallie.]
    2.  Please pray for safety and protection for every camper and staff member.  This is one of the largest camps we've had in a few years, which is exciting.  At this point we have about 75 campers and over 25 staff.
    3.  Please pray for the Pastors who will be coming to share in our evening services that God will bless them as they prepare, and that they will have joy as they present Bible lessons to the children.  I appreciate prayers for myself, too, as I help lead the evening services and then teach on Thursday evening.  Tabitha Lee and Heidi Froshheiser will also be helping with the services, and I know they'd appreciate prayers in their parts, too.
    4.  Please pray for the Lord to give us good weather and cooler temperatures.  He is faithful, and I praise Him for how He knows just what is best. 
    5.  Please pray that God will bless each one at camp with good health, and that our nurse won't be very busy.  Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.
    6.  Please pray that the Holy Spirit will work in the hearts and lives of every child coming to camp.  He knows just what each one needs.  May we as staff be faithful to live in a way pleasing to the Lord that the children will be drawn to Christ and following Him more.
    7.  Please pray for Ronny Baldwin (and wife Bunny) as he directs camp for the first time.  Please pray for wisdom for him in dealing with any discipline issues, for the activities he leads, and for extra strength and energy. 
    8.  Please pray for the teachers (Rita Carpenter, Bunny Baldwin, Tabitha and Jamie Lee, and Matthew Miller) as they present the morning Bible Lessons.
    9.  Please pray for each counselor to have patient endurance, great wisdom, and supernatural strength throughout the week.  Pray that they will truly love every child in their group with the love of Christ.
    I know that God will also give you insight as to what else to pray for.  Thank you so much that I can bring requests to you as members of the Body of Christ!  I know from experience that Camp Good News cannot happen successfully without the love and prayers of all of you.  You truly are a vital part of the ministry of camp!


Thank you for your continued prayer support!!  God is still in the prayer answering business!

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