Good Afternoon:
We have two praises and some updates for you. This is very lengthy, but believe you will want to know what is happening with the Slater family, He was here to conduct our Sedar meal at Easter.
- Praise--Alexander Chettinger, 7, is doing very well after his surgery. He did have multiple skull fractures, but the doctors believe he will be okay. The doctors said today he might get to go home in two to three days. Thank You Lord.
- Praise--Steven Francis had a stress test today, and it was determined he will not have to have a pacemaker. He will have to wear a heart monitor for 48 hours and see if there is anything else the doctors need to know about.
- This is the requests from the Slaters: Shalom Dear One's,First of all please forgive us for not being in better contact these last couple months. ALL the info in this email is critical in order for you to understand all the Lord is doing in us and through us for HIS GLORY! We are doing great, Praise The Lord! Just coming up for air.We recently made an rough estimate calculation that is probably alot bigger rather than less (as we did not include children that are being fed). We were in awe of the Lord when thinking that in the "last month" we have provided over 1400 meals to the homeless, needy, drug addicts/alcoholics, prostitutes and orphans and have probably clothed atleast as many people. This month and the months ahead it will only INCREASE because of the terrible economic situation. However, Praise Him as He will provide. This spans from Haifa to Jaffa all along the beautiful Israeli Mediteranian coast. For most of these people, life is not so beautiful and their really is not much hope or reason to live.What an honor to be here in Israel and physically be part of The Restoration of Israel, not just physically, but spiritually sharing the Hope of Glory in Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah).Being that most of you reading this email report cannot physically be here, you can physically help by engaging your personal prayer, prayer groups, Bible studies, churches, synagogues, friends, families and anyone else that has a love for Israel and the salvation of her people AND you may even come to volunteer, if possible. WE NEED YOU! HOW? Through prayer/intercession, giving of your finances, adopt a soup kitchen, humanitarian-aid center, free medical clinic, clothes distribution center, Bible based Drug & Alcohol center, Homeless men's/women's apartments and many other projects that are literally in the process.WE CANNOT DO THIS WORK WITHOUT YOU, YOUR SUPPORT AND YOUR PRAYERS.PLEASE CLICK ON THE BELOW SECURE SITE TO DONATE AND MAKE SURE TO PUT BRIAN AND RACHELI SLATER, WHERE IT SAYS "SPECIAL DESIGNATION"Please continue reading information/news below and click on attachment for recent prayer letter that you DO NOT want to miss and pictures.A RECENT INTERVIEW I HAD WHEN I WAS IN OKLAHOMA:Do you know any Persian speaking Jews or Arabs who speak Farsi? I had an interview on a Chrisitian T.V. program called Nejat T.V. in Oklahoma. Its was awesome. It is an outreach of TBN to the Farsi speaking communities in the Middle East as this is the target areas it is broadcasts. The ones in charge of it are ex-Shiite Muslims that have come to Christ. I am sure I probabaly was the first Messianic Jew from Israel on their program. I was able to speak about Messiah Yeshua being the Passover lamb, read Isaiah 53, give my testimony and read Rom 1:16 as well as Rom. 10:1. All in 30 min. Baruch ha Shem Yeshua! I had a wonderful ex-muslim Holy Spirit filled Christian women translating for me simultaniously in Farsi/Persian. If you know of any one who could benefit or be ministered to by the interview, I do have a copy of it and plan on making several more copies as needed.VERY IMPORANT READ BELOW:The below report is an Update on Ami Ortiz and family miraculously survived a bomb that went off in his hands one year ago.One of the paragraphs describes their visit to one of the Soup Kitchens/Free medical clinic that I manage last week. Praise the Lord, it was such a pleasure having them there. I am in the process of networking with them about a new Ex-Muslim/Christian Arab helping us serve the Jewish People in the soup kitchen and help us prepare an apartment for a homeless mens shelter.
KEHILAT ARIEL - ARIEL CONGREGATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AMI UPDATEMAY 15, 2009
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MORE GOOD NEWSWe walked outside, and Ami heard a plane flying overhead (which was very faint), the cars passing by, people talking, he even heard the wind whistling in his ear. It was interesting! We joked with him saying that he had bionic hearing. Throughout the day, he got used to his new hearing ability very quickly, as we went to visit a soup kitchen that is sponsored by one of the American Calvary Chapels, in Tel Aviv.
Every Thursday they feed the homeless, alcoholics and drug addicts, and those who have just run into hard times financially. They have tables with used clothing, and our friend, Brian Slater who is a nurse, mans a medical clinic. It is an important and vital work being done in the name of Yeshua, and it was inspiring seeing the work in action.
Also some really good news, and further answer to prayer - Ami off-handedly told me that he forgets to take his medication for the nerve pain sometimes. I said, "does that mean that you have less pain". He said, "it just means I forget to take it sometimes, and don't go off writing about it in your updates!" I told him - "it's because of all these people praying that you are making such great strides!" He agreed, but he said that at times he really does have a lot of pain, but there are certain times that he is actually pain free. That is such huge progress! Next week we'll be going back to the Rehab hospital to discuss the medication and so I'll be patient and wait until I hear what he has to say to the doctor.AND - MORE GOOD NEWS
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We are really coming down the home stretch in Ami's recovery. Next weekend the older kids in our youth group are going for a two day youth conference which is specifically aimed at their age group. Praise the Lord, Ami can go now that he's not wearing the pressure suit. I know it will still be challenging for him to shower in front of the other guys in his room, as his body is still covered with terrible scars, and his left foot is unsightly. However, he is eager to go and I am very grateful for that.
What is still before us............Ami will need surgery on his left hand, plastic surgery for the scars, plastic and orthopedic surgery on the left foot, and the left ear drum. All of this will probably stretch out for another year.
In just 14 months we have come a very long way - recovery in every dimension has taken place quickly. We've been able to hold on and trust the Lord only because of His mighty grace and presence in our lives, and because of your prayers. I am saying this with all honesty, we have been restored to mental, emotional, and physical health through the healing power of Yeshua, working through prayer , encouragement and the support of the Body of Messiah around the world. It has been an experience that has turned us into different people altogether.
I hope to be able to share some further breakthroughs as far as the investigation is concerned, but please know that the Lord is working in that area. However, the information and what is being done is sensitive, and I can't share it on such a public platform as this. We continue to pray for the perpetrators, and we especially pray that they won't be able to harm anyone else.Would you pray about giving generously to help us share the Good News with Jewish people who do not yet know the Prince of Peace? You can give a gift through our secure online donation system or become a Watchman For Jerusalem, supporting the Slater Family in Israel to do Jewish evangelism on an ongoing basis.As believers in Jesus, we have the peace beyond understanding that the world is looking for! May the Lord fill you with a sense of His powerful presence during this season so that you can help others discover His shalom . PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU DESIGNATE YOUR GIFT TOWARDS "THE SLATER FAMILY" IN ISRAEL.Thank you for your partnership in Messiah's work!Your faithful laborer's in YeshuaBrian & Racheli