Requests from the CWC Prayer Center

Friday, December 23, 2011


We have a correction to an earlier request:

CORRECTION....I posted a request earlier today for a 4 year old William and I had his last name wrong. His name is William Taylor. Thank You Betty Smith


Good Afternoon:

We have one request:

  • My sister knows of this 4 year old little boy, William Salicco in Amarillo that was diagnosed with a brain aneurism and is not doing good. Please put him on the prayer list. This little boy needs a miracle. The doctors said he has lost his sight and voice and said there is nothing they can do for him. He is still on life support. Thank you for your prayers


Thank you for your prayers!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Urgent Request

Good Afternoon:

We received this urgent request:

  • Margie received a call from Misty Hixson just before lunch.  They have determined that Charlie has pancreatic cancer.  It is very serious and they are needing a Christmas Miracle.  He is supposed to go into surgery this afternoon to drain some fluid from around his liver.  If they can get his pain under control and his enzymes go down, he may get to get out of the hospital for Christmas – which they will spend at Misty’s parent’s house in Canyon.  They have not informed the younger kids of this new development, so please keep this family in prayer as they deal with this devastating news.  Thank you all in advance for your prayers.    PT



Good Afternoon:

We have one request:

  • Please be in prayer for Tobe Shield’s Dad, Lonnie.  He is being transported to Amarillo by ambulance with heart problems. 



The Lord is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous. The light of the eyes rejoices the heart,
and good news refreshest the bones. Proverbs 15:29-30




Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Good Afternoon:

We have some requests:

  • Please be in prayer for Charlie Hixson.  He was transported by ambulance to BSA yesterday afternoon.  The doctors believe that he may have cancer of the liver.  Lift him and his family to the Lord.  Thanks for praying.


  • Please pray for the family of Sarah who had cancer and passed away.  She has four young children.  This is Jessie Lands’ cousin.


 May the God of peace be with you all. Amen.  Romans 15:33


Friday, December 16, 2011


Good Afternoon:

We have one request:

  • I have a very good friend named Laura Pina who is having serious health issues.  She is a massage therapist here in Perryton.  She is a young single Mom with 3 children.  She definitely needs our prayers and I told her we would be Standing in the Gap for her.  Thank you,  Judy Schell


Thank you!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Good Afternoon:

We have several requests from yesterday and today.  We were unable to send emails yesterday.

  • Please pray for the John Schneider family.  John went to be with the Lord this morning.  He is Shawn Bogard’s dad.
  • Dean Johnson is having heart procedures done.  Please pray for him and Jody.  This is Bobby and Debbie Barnett’s son in-law.
  • Please pray for Cheryl Johnson who is in hospice.  She Dean Johnson’s mother.
  • Please pray for Rose Culp who will be having surgery on December 29th for breast cancer and then will be having radiation treatments.  This is Trynitie Thorton’s son, Wyatt’s grandmother.
  • Please pray for the family of Jerry Wilhelm. He has been placed in hospice care and the family has been called in. (This is my sister-in-law's Dad) Thanks Lois Bartz



Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Good Afternoon:

We have a request:

  • Please pray for Jack Kile who will be having surgery done on December 21 and 28.



Thursday, December 8, 2011


Good Afternoon:

We have some requests today:

  • Please pray for Ty and for his family.  The family is requesting earnest prayer as they will seek to do an intervention with him this weekend.  Please pray for wisdom for the family, and that Ty will respond with a willingness to go with them to get the help he needs to get off of meth.  [He doesn't live in the Perryton area.]  The family so wants a miracle this weekend in seeing this man turns back to the Lord and get the help he needs.  Thank you!


  • Please pray for Harrol and Avis Waterbury.  Both are having serious health problems.



 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8:26-27



Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Good Afternoon:

We have requests:

  • Please continue to pray for Cindy VanValkenburg.  She is making progress, but was having some nausea yesterday.  Please pray for her to continue to heal and recover from her accident.  Also pray for her family for strength and rest.
  • Please pray for our Christmas outreach this Saturday night and Sunday morning.  Blake and Jenna Bolerjack and the CWC adult, high school and children’s choirs will be presenting a variety of songs that celebrates the Birth of Jesus.  Pray for the choirs as they practice the next three nights, for Blake and Jenna as they travel here on Friday, for Pastor Tim as he leads and directs us, for those who will be coming and the message that will be given.


Thanks for your prayers!



Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Good Afternoon:

We have two requests:

  • Please pray for Laura Pena who is having health problems.
  • Please pray for a family in need of restoration and healing of spiritual matters.


Praise the Lord!
Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever!
Who can utter the mighty deeds of the Lord,
or declare all his praise? Blessed are they who observe justice,
who do righteousness at all times! Psalm 106:1-3


Friday, December 2, 2011

Updates and Requests

Good Afternoon:

We have two updates:

  • I thought I better send out an update on my cousin Kim Crouch and it's not an easy one...........

She had surgery today and it didn't go well.......they were not able to get the gall bladder out but they did get out over 30 gall stones. They had to open her up and discovered that her insides had for better lack of terms fused together with all the infection in her. They removed a lot of dead tissue and put in 4 drain tubes hoping to get rid of the infection. Right now things are not looking good and the next several days are critical. Please pray that she makes it through this, it's just not promising right now.

Jason Vanosdol Director of Media Community Worship Centermedia@cwcperryton.org806-435-2506 Ext. 26

  • Paula Lehew is doing better after a rough night last night.  Please continue to pray for her recovery.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


We have an urgent request for Shanon Seay who has an abscess on his appendix.  Please pray for healing for him, his wife, Deb and for his doctors to know how to best treat him.

